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Cambios en Dofus 2.0 para El 22 Diciembre 2009
Publicado el 21 de Diciembre, 2009 a las 11:35:14, por edisondairo, Dofus

Desde el foro oficial de dofus (en inglés), nos llega el listado oficial de cambios en dofus 2.0 para el 22 de dic. 2009:


  • Los problemas vinculados al abandono en el primer combate del tutorial guiado se han corregido.
  • Los atajos del teclado funcionan nuevamente durante el tutorial. Los atajos a los elementos en gris, situados en la interfaz, siguen inactivos.


  • Los menús contextuales se muestran correctamente cuando hacemos clic en un objeto en un mercadillo.
  • Los globos de información integrados en la interfaz (solapa de hechizos en el menu y ficha de información de la montura) siguen mostrándose después de que cambiamos de mapa.
  • Los botones que permiten controlar el zoom, funcionan correctamente sobre la interfaz del mapa del mundo.
  • La apariencia de la interfaz de entrega de regalos se ha mejorado y las informaciones son actualizadas para cada regalo.
  • Las flechas que permiten cambiar la lista de selección rápida (para los objetos, las aptitudes o los hechizos) están posicionada correctamente.
  • Mirar una ficha de montura en un mercadillo, ya no cierra la interfaz del mercadillo.
  • En la interfaz de discusión, cuando se selecciona un canal por defecto en la ayuda del menú contextual, el botón se colorea correctamente

Optimizaciones y rendimiento: La gestión de los textos se ha mejorado para reducir el consumo de memoria del juego DOFUS 2.0 y de mejorar el rendimiento global del juego.


  • Female Srams’ pets no longer disappear when they face forwards.
  • The problem with the colour of male Srams’ capes when viewed from behind has been corrected.
  • The problems with the colour of the Bow Meow transformation when taking part in the “Strange springs“ quest have been corrected: the outline is no longer black, and the Bow Meow now takes on the colour of the character’s hair.


  • The archmonster Crokdylann the Rebel is no longer aggressive.
  • Monsters no longer reappear in buildings where they weren’t supposed to reappear.
  • From now on, the Giant Kralove will no longer have stars above its head and as a result will no longer give increasing experience bonuses
  • Problems with archmonster respawns have been corrected.
  • All monsters in the Nolifis Island area have been revised to improve their ghostly appearance.
  • All monsters and summons in the Pet Sanctuary have been revised to improve their ghostly appearance. The abnormal size of the El Scarador ghost has been corrected.
  • The Maho Firefoux now looks slightly different to the Soryo Firefoux. The Maho Firefoux Ghost has been amended accordingly.


  • A Knight’s legs no longer disappear behind his Dragoturkey’s legs when walking or running forwards.
  • When attacking an opponent in close combat when mounted but without a weapon equipped, the mount now attacks the enemy instead of the character.


  • Eratz the Protester’s walking and running animation has been completely revised.
  • Chafer, Dark Miner, Dark Baker and One-armed Bandit summons now have a close combat attack.


  • The handling of line of sight is now identical to that used in DOFUS 1.29.
  • The end of a fight against a Perceptor now works correctly.
  • It’s no longer possible to join a fight in which a character is attacking monsters while being helped by monsters (this kind of fight is normally started by a conversation with an NPC during a quest).
  • The problems caused by a character quitting a fight during a reconnection have been fixed.
  • When mounted, Pandawas using the spell Karcham no longer block the cell that the carried player was situated on.

Artificial Intelligence: Monsters correctly pass their turn following a dodge-fail.


  • Mysteries in Pandala: the NPC Guard Thehellwat who can be found in front of the Akwadala Gate now teleports the player to the NPC Master of Akwadala, and the one situated in the dojo teleports the player to the Pandala village Zaap.
  • The Key Master: this quest is now correctly updated at the end of the Skeleton Dungeon.

Pets: The date of a pet’s last meal is now displayed correctly.

Once you’ve forgotten a profession, it’s no longer possible to practice another profession using the tool associated with the forgotten profession.


  • The barriers in the third room of the Kitsou Dungeon now work correctly.
  • The NPC Zamawas in the third room of the Kitsou Dungeon allows a character to leave the dungeon if they can no longer progress.
  • The NPC Sesame in the seventh room of the Bulb Dungeon allows characters to leave the dungeon if they can no longer progress.

Area conquest and PvP:

  • The Dopple, Zoth and Imp villages can be captured.
  • Zoth Village: there can now be more than one group of monsters on a map.
  • Imp Villages: the ladders leading to village heart now work correctly.

Maps and Areas:

  • Corrections:
    • Incarnam Market Place now works correctly.
    • The exit point of the house situated at [17,25] now works correctly.
    • Blockages to interactions, movement and line of sight have been corrected.
    • The entrance of Imp Village now works correctly.
  • Improvements:
    • Blockages to movement and line of sight on the Grassy Plains and in the Coral Beach area have been improved.
    • The appearance of water in Madrestam Harbour has been improved.
  • Work in progress:
    • The Evil Forest will be revised.
    • The interior (Militia and Order Towers) of Bonta and Brakmar will be revised.
    • The interior of Pandala will be revised.


  • Item effects that display a date now properly display the correct month. There was sometimes a lag of one month on some effects.
  • It’s no longer possible to use an emote before the map loads.
  • Zaapis no longer teleport characters to their class statue when the destination cell is already occupied by a character.
  • The bags displayed at characters’ feet when in merchant mode are displayed correctly.
1 Comentario

lithar dijo el 21 de Diciembre, 2009 a las 13:55:36:
Q paso con el beta 1.29?

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